Frequently Asked Questions
My organisation is based in India, can I apply?
The lead applicant must have an ABN and be located in Australia. If you are an organisation in India wanting to apply, we would encourage you to find a suitable Australian partner.
I am a current or past recipient of a Maitri Scholarship or Fellowship; can I apply in this round?
Yes. Past Maitri grantees are eligible to apply.
Can I apply multiple times in this grant opportunity?
Yes, you can submit more than one application.
How much funding can I request for a Maitri Scholarship?
The minimum grant amount for scholars undertaking a master's by Research is $115,000 and the maximum is $236,000. The minimum grant amount for scholars undertaking a PhD is $220,000 and the maximum is $439,000.
We anticipate most grants will be between $115,000 and $380,000, but this does not preclude some grants being more or less than this amount.
How much funding can I request for a Maitri Fellowship?
The minimum grant amount is $40,000 and the maximum grant amount is $300,000. We anticipate most grants will be between $100,000 and $200,000, but this does not preclude some grants being more or less than this amount.
What is the grant period for Maitri Scholarships and Fellowships?
The grant period is up to 4 years. You must commence the grant activity by 31 December 2025. You must complete the grant activity by 31 December 2029.
What qualifications are required for Maitri Scholarships and Fellowships?
Nominated scholars need to have submitted an eligible HDR proposal to undertake postgraduate studies at an Australian University in STEM-related fields such as:
advanced manufacturing
critical technology (incl. batteries)
life sciences
medical technology
critical minerals, and
clean energy solutions.
Nominated fellows are required to have the equivalent experience of a Level B to D research professional. See Higher Education Industry-Academic Staff-Award 2020, Schedule A, for further information.
Can scholars apply directly for a Maitri Scholarship?
No, scholars do not apply directly. Scholars must be nominated by an Australian University. Eligible scholars who are interested in a Maitri Scholarship should contact an Australian university to express their interest.
Can fellows apply directly for a Maitri Fellowship?
No, fellows do not apply directly. Fellows must be nominated by an Australian Think Tank. Eligible fellows who are interested in a Maitri Fellowship should contact an eligible Australian Think Tank to express their interest.
What are the visa requirements for scholars?
Maitri scholars must hold a valid Student (subclass 500) visa for the duration of their scholarship.
What are the visa requirements for inbound fellows?
Maitri fellows coming to Australia must hold a valid Temporary Activity visa (subclass 408) Research Activities Stream visa and maintain this for the duration of their fellowship.
Will I get the whole grant amount I apply for?
The Centre for Australia-India Relations reserves the right to determine how much funding to provide. An overall value for relevant money assessment based on the activities included in any grant agreement with you will inform the Centre’s decision.
Not all expenditure in your application may be eligible for grant funding. The Centre makes the final decision on what is eligible expenditure and may give additional guidance if required. All expenditure must incur between the start and end date of your grant agreement for it to be eligible.
Are there any ineligible costs?
The Centre is unable to fund:
ongoing salaries or wages
capital expenditure/works, including construction works to property, the purchase of land and vehicles
the covering of retrospective costs
purchase of equipment (e.g., technical equipment, musical instruments, computers, videos)
activities which are already commercially viable in their own right
activities that provide direct commercial advantage to the applicant (e.g., promotion of own business)
costs incurred in the preparation of a grant application or related documentation
subsidy of general ongoing administration of an organisation such as electricity, phone and rent
study tours or activities undertaken by schools where travel by a significant number of students is the principal element of the proposal, or
completed projects.
What documents do I need to provide to support my application?
We require the following documents with your application:
an indicative budget which includes a timeline of expenditure
a project management plan
a risk management plan
resume of the nominated scholar or fellow
letters of support from all partner organisations named, and
evidence of support from your Vice Chancellor (if applying for Maitri Scholarships Program).
Please note, excessive attachments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed to support your application.
How will I be notified of outcomes?
Both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified to the primary email address listed in the application. Please check your inbox and spam folders to access the notification.
When will I be notified of outcomes?
We endeavour to notify success applicants between 28 January to 3 February 2025. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified from 5 March 2025.
Do you have any tips when preparing an application?
Yes, we do. We recognise putting together a proposal takes time and effort. Before submitting, ensure you’re answering the who, what, when, where why, and how of your project:
Who will be involved in delivering the project and who will benefit from it?
What specific issue are you addressing and what are your objectives?
When will the project be delivered and what are the key milestones?
Where will the project take place, and what geographical areas or communities will it impact?
Why is your project important and why should we fund it?
How will the project be carried out and how will the funding be used?
In addition to the above, we encourage applicants to strengthen their applications by:
Tailoring your application by clearly explaining how your proposal contributes to our goals and mission.
Being clear and direct in your responses. Applications which are concise and straightforward make it easier for us to assess the project’s potential impact. So don’t focus too heavily on the technical details. Look at the Centre’s website to see how we describe similar grants with limited space.
Quantify the outcomes where possible to help illustrate the potential reach of the project. e.g. the number and length of workshops, events, research papers.
Applications with anticipated audience numbers are viewed favourably (though make sure these are evidenced-based).
A well organised, transparent budget is essential to show how the funding will be spent. Feel free to put this into an excel document if you’d prefer.
Strong applications are well-written, error-free, and explained in simple language. So, make sure to proofread before submitting.
Finally, to ensure fairness and smooth processing make sure to submit early as late applications will not be accepted.
Can I apply if the research topic is not listed as a priority area?
Yes, all STEM-related research fields are eligible. The priority areas in the Grant Guidelines are not proscriptive.
What disciplines are included in ‘life sciences’ under the Maitri Scholarships?
For this grant opportunity, ‘life sciences’ includes a broad range of biological disciplines such as biochemistry, microbiology, molecular and cell biology, and genetics.
Can I nominate more than two candidates?
Yes. There is no application limit this grant round.
Can I nominate more than one candidate in an application?
No. Only one nomination can be made per application. You must submit a new application per nomination.
Will you accept evidence of support by an authorised delegate of the Vice Chancellor for the Maitri Scholarships?
No. Evidence of support of the nominated scholar must be provided by the Vice Chancellor rather than an authorised delegate.
Can grant funding be used for university or think tank administration fees?
Yes. Grant funds can be used for administration and pastoral care support (up to $3,000 per annum, pro rata).